Seydelmann Vacuum Cutters
The Seydelmann Vacuum-Cutter
The special design of the Seydelmann Vacuum-Cutter ensures shortest evacuating times. Cutting under vacuum can be continued immediately after the adding of further material. The main cover seals directly outside the bowl on the machine frame. This sealing continues in a curve over the knife shaft arm. At the same time the cover rests upon the bowl edge. This allows free access to the bowl from all sides. There is only a little air space between the emulsion and the cover. This allows to draw vacuum very quickly and requires only a small amount of gas injection. Through the unbreakable transparent noise absorbing cover the cutting process can be constantly observed and controlled. On request, a stainless noise absorbing cover with a spice hatch is available. Loading and unloading is executed swiftly, as only the noise absorbing cover has to be lifted.
Exact adjustment of knives against the Cutter bowl thanks to the special support located in the middle of the bowl preventing any changes of the knife position while vacuum is being drawn.

The Seydelmann Cooking-Cutter
The bowl is heated via steam by a nozzle system below the bowl. Cooking and cutting are completed in one working step, saving a considerable amount of time. Optional features like the additional injection of direct steam or the heating of the knife hood can help further reduce the processing time. Then, the cover above the knives is heated with steam. Especially when producing coarse cooked sausages additional time can be saved by injecting direct steam.Approx. 10% yield increase by using the Seydelmann Cooking-Cutter. Complete preservation of taste, aroma and protein, which otherwise would get lost by cooking in water. In contrast to cooking in kettles or steam chambers, the extremely short cooking period in the Cooking-Cutter at the ideal temperature ensures that the taste and aroma giving components are completely preserved in their structure. Therefore, longer shelf-life and much better emulsion because of hot emulsifying of meat, fat and water. No fat separation.Cooling is effected by a special nozzle cooling system underneath the bowl. In the Cooking-Cutter, the bacteria content of the sausage emulsion is essentially reduced by avoiding various processing steps and by cooking under air exclusion.
Loading device
The loading device is designed for standard loading trolleys BW 200, incorporated into the machine. There are no components outside the machine which have to be cleaned separately and need additional space.