Vemag BC237
Convenience products offer your customers a special delight - one more reason to make those delicious delicacies. And with the Ball Control BC237, they always turn out great. It doesn‘t matter if working round, oblong, with straight edges or with rounded caps: you can be as imaginative as you want.
The Ball Control BC237 is an attachment for the HPE-series filling machines which is used to manufacture unfilled convenience products. It can hardly be any easier. The attachment BC237 is slotted into the vacuum filling machine, swivelled round, fixed, ready. Now, you only have to fill in your product mass into the hopper and start the filling machine - you will not find a shorter preparation time in any other machine: just compare!
The Ball Control is well suited to produce a range of different products due to its special hole plates. This allows you to produce meat/fish balls, Schupfnudeln (finger-shaped potato dumplings), croquette potatoes as easily as potato dumpling and cheese balls. You will be sure to appeal to your customers‘ taste with this.
Features of the BC237
Optimised performance for trade and industry
Nozzles and hole plates can be exchanged quickly
No tool needed for adjusting and cleaning
Fast assembly
Easy to operate / Easy to clean
Low retooling time
Close the hole plates with the cutting function
Easy to maintain
Extensive product shapes
Technical Data:
Max cycle performance:
Weight range:

250 cycle/minutes (at 20g = 600 kg/h)
1 g – 120 g, or ø10 – ø60 mm